02/24/07 -- Robert Paul Reyes - “People
will not give money if they are thanked in advance or presented with an empty
donation box, but will dig deep if they see banknotes, according to a study by
New Zealand academics released on Wednesday.
The research by Victoria University of Wellington’s economics department showed
how much is already in a donation box, the mix of coins and notes, and what
sorts of signs
are present will influence how generous the public will be.”
I would have to agree with the results of this study. When I see a street
performer with an
empty donation box, I’m hesitant to give, even if I think he’s really talented.
I don’t want to
call attention to myself, by being the first one to make a donation. What if the
guy really
sucks, everyone will think I’m an idiot when I drop my coin in his hat.
A donation box that’s brimming with banknotes on the other hand inspires me to
give. A
street performer might be the worst singer in the world, but if has a lot of
loot in his hat,
who am I to go against the verdict of the crowd?
And I definitely won’t give a dime to a beggar or a street performer with a
“Thank You”
sign. That’s very presumptuous on the part of the street performer or beggar; he
might as
well put up a sign that reads: F*** You If You Don’t Give.
I’m glad I no longer live in a big city teeming with beggars and street
performers; I feel
guilty when I don’t give and I feel like a schmuck when I do give.